>> yvonnep wrote:
>> ---------
>> Ach, is Jevtoesjenko in een vertaling uitgekomen. Wauw! Ik vond het een van
>> de mooiste boeken die ik las. Ooit. Dus. Lees hier:
hmm... ik heb het uit. Ik vond het ...niet een van de mooiste boeken die ik ooit las. (Ook niet de lelijkste ;-) Ik vond het een loshangend geheel. Al die verhalen met een vage link - en dat niet op z'n Mitchells, met iedere keer zo'n bevredigend 'aha' moment. Nee het was meer een kwestie van 'Eh, was dat nou de link of heb ik de naam verkeerd?' Ik kon er niet zo veel mee. Desalniettemin, heb ik best veel geëzeloord.
When he finally peered through the porthole at a tiny earth, he thought: It's a good thing I didn't fly earlier, this is the right time for me.
An unexpected pothole in the road of life, you might say.
Love is astonishment.
during his travels [he] believed most of all in his own will and chance. This combination - willpower and chance - armed him with supreme confidence
Nobody's ever come back from the other world and told us what it's like, that world. Maybe that's what it was invented for, to make man fear punishment [...] Maybe there's no punishment at all, but the fear itself is a punishment while you're alive. Now that they've flown up into space, photographed the moon and the other planets, and didn't find any other world, there's less fear. And less fear means more
Being on his own in the taiga filled Seryozha with joyous dignity and masculine strength - the kind that expands inside a man as he walks and thinks.
p118 de beer + cub verhaal - prAchtig (later komt er een andere versie...)
The study of history is mankind's warning to itself.
are you saying that we should create the same obstacles for our children that we ourselves had to overcome? They'll have their own...'
her legs pounded the ceiling, like white searchlights
A husband and wife on the street, triumphantly carrying a mirror, the reflection of the clouds swimming in it like swans.
Shame and fear are 2 completely different things [...] Shame teaches you to think, and fear keeps you from thinking.
Nothing unites people like a campfire.
The poems were solid, sharp. The words were firmly bound together. naked nerve endings projected from the lines.
They were expecting the arrival of a salon poet, widely known in narrow circles.
(oh wat een mooie term voor BNers! ;-)
Socialism, at least ideally, places morality above career. [...] Careerism isn't considered shameful there. On the contrary, careerism is condoned, promoted, elevated to the status of a good deed.
how just is it to punish cruelty with cruelty? [...] That might cause justice to grow so sever that it stops being justice.
Patagonian folk embroidery (see
laatste stukje + foto ;-)
Politics is the result of human weakness. A thinking person does not need to be led;he will never use his freedom to take away the freedom of others. Some people are like that, but not many. There are others who'll immediately translate their freedom into lack of freedom for others, into violence and exploitation. Of course, there aren't many of them, either; they're simply better organized than the thinking people. The majority of people make up the unconscious or semiconscious masses, who don't understand how to use their freedom. They are easily fooled.
Progress is a genius with a customer. Without a customer even the greatest ideas of genius will perish, like unknown soldiers in the trenches of the brain's furrows.
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